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[Dongseo university] Dongseo University LINC 3.0 Project Group Hosts 2022 PASTEL Startup Education Intellectual Property Rights Contest

조회 749

2022-11-11 10:25

Dongseo University LINC 3.0 Project Group Hosts 2022 PASTEL Startup Education Intellectual Property Rights Contest
On November 3 to 4, the DSU LINC 3.0 Project Group held the “2022 PASTEL Startup Education Intellectual Property Rights (IP) Contest” at the Kensington Resort in Gyeongju under the theme of “Establishment of the Concept of Intellectual Property Rights Through IP Education and Strengthening Awareness of its Importance.” PASTEL Startup Education is a customized startup education unique to DSU which subdivides the standards for each startup club and supports them by newly establishing and supporting creative programs tailored to the characteristics of each undergraduate major.
Participating students at this event had an opportunity to strengthen their entrepreneurial competency by understanding the concept of item discovery and patent application registration process with mentors tailored to each field for one night and two days.
Attended by 19 students from DSU’s PASTEL Start-up Club, they learned about: the concept of copyright and legal protection methods; writing an invention declaration and reviewing specifications; patent, utility model, design, and trademark electronic application pre-registration procedure and practice; and programs such as support for practical entrepreneurship to protect and use IP.
In addition, by linking an IP contest to the event, the students found learning and participating easier and more enjoyable, experiencing the process of patent search and application in the main process of starting a business and making it an event with high student satisfaction. Hwang Gi-hyeon, Chairperson of DSU’s LINC 3.0 project group, said, “It was meaningful to have an opportunity at this event to participate in industry-university cooperation in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution by continuously making efforts to nurture technologybased innovative talents who understand the importance of IP and by spreading a convergence start-up mindset.”