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[Dongseo university] Dongseo Graduate Wins Grand Prize in Film Festival

조회 689

2022-10-28 11:47

Dongseo Graduate Wins Grand Prize in Film Festival
In a ceremony held on October 14 at the “7th Korea Christian Film Festival” held at the FIC Floating Island Convention Center in Banpo Riverside Park, Seoul, Director Lee Ga-young, a graduate from DSU’s Im Kwontaek College of Film and Arts, was awarded the Grand Prize.
Her winning work, Oh Lord, captured the hearts of the judges with its message that nothing in this world can fill the emptiness of human beings without the true hope provided by the gospel. Five films made it through to the competition category at this year’s film festival, narrowed down from a pool of more than six times more original entries than last year, making this year the most popular and competitive ever.
The line up of the jury members of the film festival was also notable, top Hollywood director Stephen Oh in particular drawing attention for his participation as a judge, and whom is well known as the CEO of the Hollywood aerial photography XM2, which has been involved in such blockbuster franchises as Star Wars, Spiderman, John Wick, Mission: Impossible, and Black Panther.
In addition to Director Oh, also serving as judges were Director Bobby Garabedian, as well as Producers Matthew Bronliwi and Sun Kim.
In addition to her award, Director Lee received a cash prize of two million won, an upcoming tour of Hollywood film locations, and an opportunity to participate in a one-on one mentoring program with Director Stefan Oh.
The organizers will fully cover the cost of the round-trip flight ticket to the United States and the stay of five nights and six days. Director Lee said upon her receipt of the award, “I would like to thank God for being granted this opportunity to bring my short film to this stage.”The national team selection will be held soon. We all at DSU can’t help but expect that Park will surely wield a golden bow that will brighten not only herself, but also DSU and all of Korea.