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2023 Fall semester Dormitory Application for International Students

조회 960

학생생활관 2023-07-06 13:44

2023 Fall semester

Dormitory Application for International Students

 International students who wish to stay in the dormitories must check the followings to avoid any disadvantages.

 Application Website

- Dorm Application System

https://campus.dongseo.ac.kr/loadPage.do?jspPage=/sub/dorm/login or read the QR on the below

  1. Dorm application

- Access to the dormitory application system → Fill out the application form → Check the result

→ pay (through “Flywire” system)

- The Application Period: July 17 – 21, 2023 / 17:00

- The Result Available: July 26, 2023 / 09:00

※ If you do not apply, you have to leave the dorm by August 20, 2023

※ If you do not apply within the period, you will not be allowed to enter the dormitory and will be asked

to leave immediately.

※ Cannot apply if you have an infectious disease. (ex COVID-19)

  1. Payment

Amount per dormitory

International Dormitory I

International DormitoryII

Global Village East&

KIT Student Life Building 

570,000 KRW

600,000 KRW

690,000 KRW

  • Payment method: Access Flywire and pay according to the allotted amount

- Payment period: July 27, 2023 (Thu) 09:00 ~ August 10 (Thu) 17:00

※ Payment time: 24 hours a day

※ If you do not pay within the period, you will be rejected and cannot stay in the dormitory and evicted if you are current resident.

  1. Dormitory Move-in

- Period of Residence : Aug. 28, 2023 (Mon.) ~ Dec. 21, 2023 (Thu.)

- Visit the guard’s room to confirm payment and complete the required pledge form, then move into your assigned room.

  1. Dorm fee refund

- Application of Leave: You must visit the dorm office (7th floor of Global Village East Wing) and fill in the application form



Refund Amount

Before move-in

Before August 28

Refund full amount

When you drop out

August 28 - November 17

Total payment - (10% deduction) - (daily dorm fee * length of stay) = Refundable amount

November 18~

No refund

(No refunds after 3/4 of the tenancy period)

 Refund is only available in bank account in Korea

 If you are closing your bank account due to returning home, please fill out an application for deposit to other person (*Available at the guard’s office on the 7th floor of the Global Village, East Building).

  1. Prohibited Items

- The following items are not allowed in the dormitories due to fire hazards. If found, the items will be disposed.



Dangerous Items for fire

Refrigerators, Heating appliances (heating mats, heaters, etc.), Irons Gas, Thinner and etc.


Rice cookers, induction, microwaves, stoves, ovens, etc.

Other concerns or requests, please visit the guard’s office or contact below

- Dormitory office (Global Village 7th Floor) (Phone number: 051-320-2186)

- e-Mail: skylar7@gdsu.dongseo.ac.kr

- QR code for communication channel of each dormitory

International Dormitory I

International DormitoryII

Global Village East